Strict Compliance with Venue Requirements
- Marijuana / THC Products.
No marijuana / THC products may be sold, displayed or distributed (no sampling). Smoking or consuming marijuana / THC products is strictly prohibited.
- CBD (Cannabidiol) Products and Hemp-Based CBD Products:
- Edible / Ingestible CBD products (tinctures, gummies, pills/capsules, beverages, food, etc): No sale, giveaways, or samplings: No edible / ingestible CBD products may be sold, distributed or sampled at the LVCC, regardless of THC concentration level. Enclosed displays of sealed CBD products will be allowed and must be monitored by the exhibitor to ensure that CBD products are not removed from the display at any time.
- Vaping or any form of smoking of CBD is prohibited. Vaping or smoking of CBD or any product is strictly prohibited within the LVCC.
- Non–edible CBD products (oils/topicals): Sampling allowed. Non-edible/ingestible CBD products may be distributed as free samples, provided product is not adulterated or misbranded.
- Hemp Products: Exhibitors may only distribute samples or take orders for delivery sales of Hemp products, if they comply with the requirements of NRS Chapters 439 and 557 (including labeling requirements), as well as all federal, state, and local laws. Exhibitors taking orders for offsite delivery of all legally compliant hemp products must comply with all applicable licensing requirements.
- Kratom:
- No sale, giveaways or samplings permitted for any Kratom products (and any similar product extensions. No Kratom products (and any similar product extensions) may be sold, distributed or sampled at the LVCC. Enclosed displays of sealed Kratom products may be allowed and must be monitored by the exhibitor to ensure that products are not removed from the display at any time.
- Delta 7-8-9-10 and Similar Product Extensions:
- Per the recent passage of SB49 in the State of Nevada, no company will be permitted to display, sell, distribute, or promote Delta-7, Delta-8, Delta-10 or any other structural, optical, or geometric isomers of Delta-9 anywhere on the Las Vegas Convention Center grounds.
Enforcement of Policies
ASD/Emerald staff/security will actively monitor and prohibit sale of edible / ingestible CBD products and THC products. Any exhibitor who violates policy will be immediately evicted from trade show floor.