Exhibitors, Here’s The Products You Want to Bring to ASD this Summer

Jul 25, 2022

Our show is back this summer in Las Vegas! Here’s a list of the merchandise that buyers will want to look for and exhibitors will want to bring to the next show.

We know that ASD exhibitors and attendees love to know what’s trending with consumers, especially since COVID-19 changed people’s shopping habits almost overnight. If you’re wondering what to bring to ASD this summer, or you’re wondering what to buy, here are the product categories you’ll want to pay attention to. 

What’s Trending in Home & Garden Merchandise

Home and garden is the main category that’s on fire. Whether your customers are home chefs or newly born preppers, you’ll want to buy or be selling cookbooks, kitchen utensils, premade or partially made gourmet foodstuffs, reusable food containers, glass jars, potting containers, canning/preserving supplies, garden supplies, patio furniture, planter boxes, general garden decor, plant starts, and just about anything someone who wants to bring the outdoors in can use. 

What’s Trending in General Travel Merchandise

Since more people are traveling and exploring the U.S. this season, it gives retailers the ability to carry general travel goods in their stores. Walking sticks, water bottles, fanny packs, small backpacks, portable stools, portable cookware, campaign supplies, waterproof or UV protection apparel basics, and first aid kits are estimated to be great sellers. For the more extreme outdoorsmen or survivalists, look for tents, camping gear, knives, water filtration and more. If you’ve never been to the military section at ASD, now is the time to visit. 

What’s Trending in PPE Staples

Personal protective equipment (PPE) has become, and will remain, a hot retail category. Carrying masks, bandanas, hand sanitizers, and anything that helps on-the-go travelers maintain safety protocols are going to sell steadily. Masks are now fashion accessories. 

What’s Trending in Gifts & Souvenirs

Carrying namedrop and logo items will definitely bring in sales as most visitors are going to buy souvenirs and gifts to remember their “Great American Road Trip.” Cups, caps, mugs, magnets, t-shirts, and sweatshirts will see strong sales. Don’t forget more trend driven items like stickers and utility knives. Carrying cell phone chargers, earbuds, and electronic basics are impulse purchases. Don’t shy away from carrying them if they make sense in your store. 

Want to Go More In Depth With Trends? Check Out These Articles:

Ready to Exhibit or Attend ASD This Summer? Here are the links:

  1. Apply To Exhibit
  2. Register To Attend
  3. Learn About Health and Safety Measures

About ASD

At ASD Market Week, you’ll discover higher margins, a wider selection of on-trend products, and the newest merchandise while meeting over 1,800 vendors. ASD Market Week is truly the wholesale buying event that can’t be missed.
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Macala Rose

Macala Rose

Macala Rose is a writer and researcher who specializes in health, wellness, and consumer behavior. Her expertise has been published in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, San Francisco Chronicle, and many more publications. When she’s not writing about consumer behavior or food, she can be found scouring for deals in antique shops or on the back of her horse. You can with her on Linkedin at https://www.linkedin.com/in/macala or via https://www.maca.la.


